
Going back last year, I had a very sensitive conversation with my ex-girlfriend and had the biggest mistake of my life, so far. I do not know what am I thinking back in those days but I’m pretty sure I am out of my mind in that day, I felt really, really, REALLY STUPID. What happened, you ask? Well here’s what happened I am very deeply in love with my ex-girlfriend back in those days, but with just a little argument we had a little misunderstanding then we decided to just broke up, and yes, It’s that fast, even I cannot believe it because I wanted our relationship to last for like a year, or a decade if you may, but in just a little time, all the efforts was thrown out of the garbage, and surprisingly enough, after a couple of days that we broke up, she said that she already found a new one (but she explains that wasn’t true, I don’t know), so because of that I was really hurt emotionally, so bad that I was asking myself where did I go wrong, or where did we go wrong, after a couple of months she had a few boyfriends that completely just treated her badly, and I know that because she’s been telling me because she offered me to become her best friend (so I fell to the BESTFRIEND ZONE and it’s not fun there), and then she asked me, “Are you willing to accept everything from me, no matter how awful my past is?” she asked (She had a really dark past and I do not want to talk about it because I respect her). And like a COMPLETE IDIOT I completely wasted the opportunity and replied to her stupidly by texting “Well it depends to me because I wanted the girl that… (Blah, blah stupid stuff)”, and then after a couple of texting she texted me, “I WOULD MUCH RATHER DATE MY BOYFRIEND THAT YOU WHO CAN’T ACCEPT ME!” and that’s the biggest SLAP-to-the-face word that I have ever read, I realized that everything that I’ve been saying is WRONG and it is all because I wanted her to realize that it is enough for her boyfriend and her to be together and be with me, one last time, but it wasn’t that easy as I thought. And if she has read this topic, I hope that she will now see how embarrassed I am, how pitiful I am, how disgusted I am to myself, and how I regret everything that I’ve said, but I think there is no hope because of the stupidity.
So, our topic for the day is, ACCEPTANCE, I hope that you’ve read my story in the first part and I hope you don’t make the same mistakes I did, do not waste another opportunity like I did, all of it was thrown away all because of me. According to Wikipedia, “Acceptance in human psychology is a person's assent to the reality of a situation, recognizing a process or condition (often a negative or uncomfortable situation) without attempting to change it or protest it.”


It’s really something that, you feel refreshed when you accept someone who they really are no matter how their past is rigged or destroyed, or maybe in your case it is really hard to accept something that depends on your situation, but don’t just look on how things should work your way, but look on the way of how can you change the things they used to be? For example, (I would use relationship problems here because it is really relatable for some) you’ve found out that your boyfriend had cancer and he’s been denying it to you these past months just because he doesn’t want you to be worried, would you still be with him although he can’t snuggle with you anymore, he can’t have any more precious memories anymore because he can’t do it, would you still accept him? The obvious answer would be YES because that’s why you love in the first place, you take care of him, and you do everything for him no matter what happened to him despite he hid this illness to you for a long time, but there would still be people that will say No, because that’s is what they say as a “PRACTICAL” and they say that “Oh, I should’ve not spend money because it will be hopeless anyway.” And maybe hearing that sentence to a person, I would immediately punch it to the face to realize what it’s been saying for the moment, because why would you do that? Maybe a little bit of consciousness and concern would do for them. The point is, in my opinion, acceptance is all about the chance, the chance to do good or to execute it badly, never waste an opportunity when this chance is in front of you, say what you think what’s right, do what you think must’ve to be done, and never make a mistake because, in life, chance can be given rarely.

©The Opinionatery 2017


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